Its all what?

Gone. What’s gone? The world. That’s what. Gone where you might ask? Its not gone anywhere but we seem to be increasingly reliant on the internet and leveraging its ever improving capabilities on a daily basis. Through an intricate web of connected cables, data centers, WiFi and mobile phone networks, over 64% of the world’s population can access the vast quantities of data made available to us and have it delivered near enough instantly to our fingertips. There may still be some untouched tribes in the Amazon jungle or remote parts of Papua New Guinea that have yet to get to a point where they are reliant on being connected to the web, but for the most part, we’re all using the global network of computational machines to operate and function more and more regularly. This trend doesn’t look like to change any time soon either. With the recent introduction of AI into our online experiences, through applications such as Chat GTP and alike, the expectation is we’re entering a new era in online activity. Its about time someone kept an eye on where we are headed. will cover a wide range of topics related to the latest developments and advancements in the tech industry. The website is likely to feature in-depth coverage of existing and emerging technologies, such as AI, blockchain, IoT, internet security and online gaming. Additionally, we aim to cover industry events, startup stories, and interviews with leading figures in the tech industry. The website’s focus on curating content from various respected news sources ensures that its coverage is broad and diverse, while the use of AI tools and data analysis provides a unique perspective on the latest developments in the tech world. We aim to make an essential resource for anyone interested in the latest trends and developments in the tech industry.